East Tennessee
Intergroup of
Alcoholics Anonymous


The Unity Newsletter is a monthly publication about, by, and for members of A.A. in the region. We currently publish meeting minutes, events, stories/jokes, service opportunities, group contribution reports, birthdays, and general information. Publication does not imply endorsement by either AA or Unity Newsletter, except when indicated.

If you would like to receive the Unity Newsletter, you can sign up to receive an emailed version at no cost to you. (Sign up below). To have a copy mailed to you, it cost $12.00/year for a 12 month subscription to cover the cost of stamps.

The Unity Newsletter is in need of volunteers to help keep it running! Please consider donating your experience, strength, and hope to the next newsletter.  Click Here to contact the Intergroup Office to submit your short joke or story, that might end up in the next newsletter or if you are interested in being on the Intergroup Newsletter Committee.

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